

Welcome to Pack 568!

Thank you for visiting our website.  Cub Scout Pack 568 is located in Duvall, Washington. We are chartered by Holy Innocents Catholic Church, and we are part of the Northern Trails District within the Chief Seattle Council.  Please read through the questions and answers below to learn more about us.  You can reach us at recruiting@pack568.org

 Scouting for Food

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1.  What is Cub Scouts? 

A1.  Cub Scouts is a year-round part of the "Cub Scouting - BSA" program designed for children who are in or entering kindergarten through fifth grades.  Parents and leaders work together to achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting.


Q2. What are the purposes of Cub Scouting?

A2. 1. Character Development, 2. Spiritual Growth, 3. Good Citizenship, 4. Sportsmanship and Fitness, 5. Family Understanding, 6. Respectful Relationships, 7. Personal Achievement, 8. Friendly Service, 9. Fun and Adventure, and 10. Preparation for Scouts BSA


Q3: How do I sign-up?

A3: You are welcome to sign-up/register at any time.  Complete the form online at https://my.bsa.us/609paa0568mb.  Once you register, you will be assigned a username and password and your scout will be added to the appropriate den.  You will have access to our calendar and will start receiving Pack 568 and den emails.


Q4: What is a den and what is a pack?

A4: A pack is made up of several dens.  Pack 568 currently has six dens (Lions - Kindergarten, Tigers – 1st grade, Wolves – 2nd grade, Bears - 3rd grade, Webelos I – 4th grade, and Arrow of Light – 5th grade). 


Q5: What is the time commitment for Cub Scouts?

A5: That’s a great question.  We gather together as a pack once a month & the whole family is welcome to attend our pack meetings.  Our dens typically meet 1 – 2 times per month.  The den leaders set the meeting schedule.    


Q6: What kinds of things will we do in Cub Scouts?

A6: Our pack calendar of events include a lot of fun: Raingutter Regatta, Corn Maze, Broom Ball, Pinewood Derby, STEM night, Blue & Gold Ceremony, Crossover Ceremony, Rocket Launching, hiking, and Cub Mobile Racing.  In addition to fun, we’ll also participate in service projects including a service day at the church, a Memorial Day ceremony, and walk in the Duvall Days Parade.  During den meetings, your scout will work on adventures to earn their badge. Each adventure has certain requirements that need to be met – some of these you can do at home, and some will be completed at den meetings. 


Q7: How much does Scouting cost?

A7: Our annual membership fee is $100.  In addition to this, you will purchase your scout’s book, uniform shirt and a few initial patches. The Pack will supply you with a neckerchief, slide and the materials to do most activities including the Derby car kit. 


Q8: How much are parents required to participate?

A8: Many hands make light work.  We encourage each family to have an active adult serving within the pack.  You can serve by holding a leadership position or by being active in our parent committee.  Parent committee meetings are held the first Monday of each month from 7:30 – 9 p.m.  There are numerous opportunities to serve, and we can help you find an area that interests you.  We are currently looking to fill the following positions: camping chair, advancement chair, committee members & den leaders.  You can also sign up to volunteer at specific Pack 568 events. Engaging in a leadership role sets a great example for our scouts as they are learning to be future leaders! 


Q9:  Are there a lot of fundraising events?

A9:  No.  Our main fundraiser each year is selling Sees candy in the fall.   Your scout can however earn camp scholarships by reaching certain sales milestones if they choose to do so.  In the winter, we also recycle Christmas trees as a joint effort with three other groups. 


Genius Kits - January 11, 2025, 11-1pm

Posted on Jan 6 2025 - 10:44pm

The January Cub Scout Pack event will focus on the "Thrifty" principle of the Scout Law. The scouts will be using recycled items to create something in small groups from their imagination. 

Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms for the event.

Please bring any items that you have collected to the event.  

Items may include: Pipe Cleaners, popsicle sticks, Buttons, cans, lids, cotton balls, wire hangers, boxes, toilet paper tubes, corks, cans, lids, egg cartons, string, etc.  

We will be serving Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for lunch.  Please bring a side to share.

 If you have not  RSVP'd please do so using the below.


See everyone there!

Cub Scout Pack 568 Leadership


Event Date: 01/11/25

Time: 11 -1 pm

Location: Holy Innocents Church

Pack 568 2024-2025 Calendar

Posted on Jan 6 2025 - 10:40pm

We are excited to share with you this years calendar!

  • September 15, 2024: (5:30-7:30 pm) Laser tag, Recruiting, BBQ @ Valley Memorial Park in Carnation
  • October 5th, 2024: (2pm-5pm) Corn maze & S’mores Campfire @ Muddy Boots
  • October 13th 2024: (8am-4pm) - Camp Halloween (Optional) @ Camp Edward
  • October 28th 2024: (7:00pm - 8:00pm) Scouts Graveyard Cleanup (Optional) @ Dougherty Farmstead
  • November 16th, 2024: (11:00 am - 3:00 pm) Pinewood Derby @ Holy Innocents Church
  • December 14th, 2024: (6pm - 9pm) Movie Night & White Elephant @ Holy Innocents Church
  • January 4th, 2025: (8:30am-12pm) Christmas Tree Recycling Event @ Taylors Landing
  • January 11th, 2025: (11am-1pm) Genius Kits @ Holy Innocents Church
  • February 8th, 2025: (1pm-3pm) Cooking @ Holy Innocents Church
  • March 1st, 2025: (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm) Blue & Gold/Crossover AOL @ Holy Innocents Church
  • March 15th, 2025: (1:30 pm – 3:30 pm) Raingutter Regatta @ Holy Innocents Church
  • March 29nd, 2025: (9am – 4pm) Scouting for Food @ Family Grocer
  • April 26th, 2025: (TIME TBD) – First Response Search & Rescue (Place TBD)
  • April – Scouts Mariners Game (Optional) Date & Time TBD
  • May 17th, 2025: (1pm-3pm) Rocket Launch @ Hollyhock Farms
  • May 26th, 2025: (9:45am-10:45am) Memorial Day Ceremony @ Novelty Hill Cemetery
  • June 7th, 2025: (10am-11am) Duvall Days Parade @ Meet at Family Grocer parking lot
  • June 14th, 2025: (2pm-8pm) Move-up Ceremony @ Tolt MacDonald Red Barn (Option to camp overnight)

Christmas Tree Recycling Event - Jan 4th

Posted on Dec 31 2024 - 6:24pm


The annual Christmas tree recycling fundraiser and community service event will be held on January 4, 2025. We will be working with Scout troop 745 and Cub Scout Pack 569 to find and collect Christmas Trees.

Please come to Taylor's Landing with your trucks and trailers to collect Christmas trees.  If you do not have a truck you will be paired with someone who has one.

We will meet at 8:30 am for a briefing with snacks, coffee, and hot cocoa before heading out at 9 am. We will divide up into groups and collect trees that are put out on the street to be recycled for a donation. 

It is a great community service and public relations event.  Scouts will receive a segment.

Please dress for the weather and don't forget to wear your gloves! This event will be held rain or shine.

 Date: January 4, 2025

  • Time: 8:30-12 pm
  • Location: Taylors Landing
    • 16201 Main Street NE
    • Duvall, WA 98019


Movie Night and White Elephant - Dec. 14, 2024

Posted on Dec 11 2024 - 10:39pm

Please join us for our December pack meeting this Saturday, December 14, from 6-9 pm. 

We are excited to host a Movie Night and White Elephant gift exchange. 

Please wear your ugly Christmas Sweaters!!

The White elephant gift exchange will be with your dens.  Please bring a wrapped unmarked gift to exchange. Gift - $10 or less

After the White elephant, the scouts will play a fun game, decorate cookies and we will watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (1966 version)

Popcorn and hot chocolate will be served during the event!

Location: Holy Innocents Church

Pinewood Derby- November 16th

Posted on Nov 13 2024 - 10:59pm


We are excited to see everyone on race day!! We will have pizza and veggies available to enjoy while everyone cheers on their cars!

Scouts please wear your class A uniforms for this event. 

Please RSVP at the link below:  


The Derby will be held November 16th 12:30-3:00 pm at Holly Innocents Church. 

Check-in will begin at 12:30. Racing will start at 1 pm

Just a reminder regarding the official Pinewood Derby rules and to ensure fit on the track the cars need to be:

  • 2 3/4" wide
  • 7" tall
  • 5 ounces in weight
  • bottom clearance between car and track 3/8"

Weights and dry lubricant will be available on race day if you need them. 

Thank you,

Pack 568 Leadership

Veteran's Day Assembly

Posted on Nov 3 2024 - 9:51pm

Hi Pack 568 families,

The local elementary schools have asked Cub Scout Packs 568 & 569 to participate in their Veteran's day Assemblies this week. Cub Scouts are encouraged to show reverence by wearing their full uniform (not activity shirt).  Scouts who are wearing their full uniform and would like to participate in the flag ceremony will be gathered together and coordinated by the below points of contact. 
  • Hillside Academy  - Nov. 7th 
    • Tavia Deysenroth
  • Stillwater Elementary - Nov 8th
    • Brandon Rivers
    • Ken Bowman
  • Carnation Elementary - Nov 8th
    • Grant Culbertson -Pack 569 Leader
Thank You,
Pack 568 Leadership
Tavia Deysenroth 
Committee Chair

Upcoming Events